Cremation is becoming more of a choice for many people for disposing their remains after death. The question for many people considering cremation is usually, ‘what will happen to my remains?’  For those who cremate their folk and kin, what to do with the remaining ashes is also a big issue. There are several ways in which to handle the ashes;

Keeping the ashes

After cremation, ashes are kept in an urn. Some people will take this urn and place it somewhere in the home as a way of remembering the deceased and keeping his/her presence felt long after death. The ashes can be placed in a cabinet or more commonly on a shelf where the urn can be easily viewed.

Scattering into the winds

Some people will opt for spreading ashes into the winds. This way, they believe, the ashes will get to the four corners of the earth faster. The best way to do this is look for a high point from which the ashes can get into the wind and fly longer. If an airplane is available, it is the best way to scatter ashes in the wind.

Scattering at sea 

Scattering ashes at sea is an option for many who have led a life in the sea like merchant seamen, naval officers and fishermen.  The sea is endless and those who choose to scatter their ashes in it believe their spirit will be at peace and visit the corners of the earth wherever the sea can be found. Scattering at sea has had a longer tradition than other methods.