Ash releasing is often believed to be an act for setting one free. It also offers an opportunity to memorialize your loved ones in a way that is unique to them. In the process of planning memorial ceremonies for your loved ones, you have to decide what to do with the remains of the individual. Many people choose to release the ashes of their loved ones in different ways according to their cultural or religious beliefs.

If you are looking for uniques ways of releasing ashes of your loved one, this article covers 5 unique ash releasing ceremony ideas to give the remains a final rest.

1. Ringing Ashes

As the name suggests, this involves releasing the ashes around an object ( most times the object is a personal belonging that the deceased cherished the most). Sometimes, it can be other objects such as trees, or a memorial to recognize the place of the scattering.

During the scattering, family members can step forward one at a time and say some words about the deceased. However, there are no strict rules to follow when doing this and this can also be done according to your own inspiration.

2. Scattering Over Water

Water symbolizes many things to many people. Some people see it as an infinity sign, which can depict traveling to the heavens and then fall back to the earth as rain. This old ideology of releasing ashes into the water also gives the importance of water in many religions and culture.

This method of releasing the ashes in water is done by gently releasing the ashes in a large water body or putting the ashes in a biodegradable urn and releasing that in the water body.

 In recent times, scattering ashes over water are done by air or using ship or boat. Sometimes, families can also release the ashes into the water body from the bank of the water body.

 However, before doing this, the family members should get permission from the local authorities before releasing the ashes into the water bodies in the cases of a public ash dispersal. This is to ensure the process is done according to the rules and regulations of the land.


3.   Aerial Scattering

This is similar to the method discussed above (scattering over water) except that this involves releasing the ashes over a larger area. Aerial scattering can be done by helicopter, plane or other available methods. Some people even use skydivers to help in the releasing of ashes over a particular area.

To provide a form of lasting memory, some aerial scattering agency may offer a certificate documenting the date and time of the aerial release. Also, video recording may be done to document the process of the scattering.

4.   Trenching

Trenching is different from other methods of releasing ashes and some families have adopted this unique way of memorializing their loved ones. Trenching involves digging a shallow pit in the ground and the ashes are placed in the trench and gently covered with soil. Depending on your personal preference, it can be done by a family member or you can use the service of a funeral director.

You can also become innovative by making the trench in a unique shape. It could be the shape of a heart of any other as deemed fit by the family.

5.   Casting

This method is the act of scattering ashes to the wind and this doesn’t have to be done in a particular location. While casting the ashes, you have to take note that the weight of the remains are often heavier than what people imagine. This means that you have to consider the direction of the wind before you scatter the ash.

Also, the casting can be done by one member of the family or each member present can be given a part of the remains to cast at the same time in a form of making a toast.


Like other methods of burial ceremonies, ash releasing ceremony has the same importance. Whatever method you have chosen to say the final goodbye to your loved ones, the most important thing is to do this in the right way and create a long lasting memory of setting your loved ones free.